The following weight definitions are from the Standards/Australian Design Rules for Vehicles. There are often different interpretations found online, so sometimes it’s best to go to the source.
0Understanding the Challenge Caravans, by nature, are often slower-moving vehicles compared to trucks. They can travel at a steady pace,…
1Towing with a Landcruiser 300 Series? Towing Australia looks at the weight specifications and towing capacity of the Land Cruiser 300 in detail with examples.
18Top 15 Tips for Towing a Caravan in Australia. Essential Advice for a Smooth Journey, to make sure to stay safe, legal and insured while towing around Australia
1Proper axle loading is of utmost importance for maintaining safety, stability, and optimal performance when towing a caravan or trailer.
2When it comes to towing a caravan, understanding the importance of tow ball mass is crucial for maintaining stability, control, and overall safety.
1The primary objective of a mobile weighing service / mobile weigh bridge is to provide accurate and reliable measurements of your vehicle and caravan’s weight.
4Using a UHF radio can be invaluable when towing a caravan for safe communication. Communicate when overtaking and stay safe.
1Proper weight distribution in caravans is crucial for maintaining stability and safety when towing. Correct weight within your caravan can enhance stability.